Building Futures in Alberta: Tax Incentives for Skilled Trades and Apprenticeships

Givens LLP | MAY 17 2024


Alberta Is Calling: A Tax Incentive for Skilled Tradespersons

Alberta, the land of wide-open spaces, majestic mountains, and rival hockey teams (go Oilers). But did you know it’s also a place where skilled tradespeople are being beckoned with a $5,000 tax incentive? That’s right, Alberta is calling, and it wants you to pick up the phone.


The Alberta is Calling Campaign

The Alberta is Calling Campaign is the Alberta Government's way of saying, "Hey, you with the toolbox! Come on over!" Launched by the Alberta government, this talent recruitment initiative aims to lure skilled workers to the province. So, what's the pitch? Lower taxes, vibrant communities, shorter commutes, and the Rockies as your backyard. Think of it as a chance to finally put those wilderness survival skills you learned from binge-watching reality TV to good use.


The $5,000 Incentive

Picture this: You’re a certified tradesperson. You’ve got skills, and Alberta wants them. If you’re willing to pack up your gear and head west, the province will hand you a $5,000 refundable tax credit. That’s right, a $5k tax credit just for choosing Alberta as your new home base.


Who’s Eligible?

Hold on to your hard hats! Before you start loading up the moving truck, let's talk eligibility. The Alberta is Calling Campaign is all about attracting skilled tradespeople to the province. If you're a carpenter, electrician, plumber, welder, or any other qualified tradesperson, this program is the perfect opportunity for you to jumpstart your career in Alberta.

The Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit

The Alberta is Calling Campaign isn't the only trick the government has up their sleeves. If you're an employer or a corporation feeling the pinch of a skilled labour shortage, there's something for you, too. Introducing the Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit (AJCTC). Think of it like the province giving you a reward for hiring apprentices and investing in the growth of your company.


Here's the deal: For every eligible apprentice you bring on board, you can claim a non-refundable investment tax credit equal to 10% of their eligible salaries and wages. That translates to some serious cash back – up to $2,000 per apprentice per year. You'll essentially be getting a tax break while helping someone else kickstart their career in a skilled trade. It's a win-win! Plus, these new hires will bring fresh energy and perspectives to your team, fostering innovation and growth within your company. You're not just hiring, you're shaping the future of your industry. 


Who’s an Eligible Apprentice?

An eligible apprentice is someone who's diving headfirst into a prescribed trade during the first two years of their apprenticeship contract. This contract must be registered with a federal, provincial, or territorial government under a recognized apprenticeship program. To be eligible, the apprentice must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person and must be at least 16 years old. They must also meet the educational requirements for the trade they're entering. So, whether you need a plumber, electrician, carpenter, welder, or any other skilled tradesperson, there's a good chance you can find an enthusiastic apprentice to fill the role and take advantage of the AJCTC program.

Spring, a Season of Growth and Opportunity

As the snow melts and the tulips bloom, May brings more than just spring flowers. So, while you’ve finished sorting through receipts and deciphering tax forms, remember for next year that Alberta is calling. Whether you’re a tradesperson eyeing the Rockies or an employer looking to invest in the next generation of skilled workers, these tax incentives are guaranteed to sweeten the deal.  

Remember, it’s not just about the tax breaks; it’s about building a brighter future for yourself and the province. 

Need some help figuring it all out? Give our experts at Givens LLP Chartered Professional Accountants a call. We’re happy to get you where you need to be.